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Valencya Thompson holds specialist and master degrees in School Psychology, a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and has completed seminary studies. She is a school psychologist, who co-owns with her husband Write The Vision Creative Works - a book publishing, ghostwriting and editing company. Jerrell Thompson is also a civil engineer with a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. Considering their diverse areas of study joining their female vs. male perspectives, this divinely inspired personal testimony is an informative read that was written to help you heal as you read about their healing process from losing children preterm to birthing healthy children.


Thompson and Thompson candidly share about their experiences of tragedy & triumph on the road to birthing two children, (and have since birthed their third live baby in September of 2019). Jerrell and Valencya are the parents of Justice, Broughton, Josiah and also have four angel babies: Love, Hope, Francis, and Angel.


This text is written on a down-to-earth level intertwined with scholarly-researched biblical scripture and medical commentary by Dr. Desiree' McCarthy-Keith, MD, MPH, FACOG to encourage others who might find themselves on a similar path. 


With the understanding that to be human and experience pain is to be relatable, Our Journey To #fertilityhope might be the key to unlocking the Word you desire to hear from God regarding your own circumstance today.



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